Align with Nature’s Cycles & Living Ecology of the Celtic Medicine Wheel

28th October 2023 - 17th November 2023

Join us for a 13 Month/Moon exploration with meditation, movement, breathwork, sound, ritual & nature connection. Moving beyond concepts to embodying the elements and aligning with nature through the directions, cycles & seasons

The Celtic Medicine wheel explores the elements within and around us, in relation to each direction from which we will begin to develop or deepen our relationship with the elements, nature and source.

Taking a year long cycle through the Celtic Medicine Wheel, we will explore themes around each direction, element and season , how we can integrate this direction into our life for guidance, healing and alignment. Becoming deeply connected to the cycles of nature, which is already innate in you and necessary for the reprogramming that is required for living in the New Earth.

This greater focus with nature and source in everyday life, as well as the ability to access the medicine wheel like a map for rebalancing when you are confused, stuck, in need of guidance or healing. These can be applied to many aspects of life including personal growth, work, projects, family and relationships.

What will you receive?

  • Online Gatherings every 6 weeks (these are recorded so don’t worry about missing live sessions)
  • Guided meditations, movement, nature connection and self-inquiry
  • 5 live Conscious Connected Breathwork sessions for each element with Gail McAleese
  • Rituals & Practices with each season to assist you to connect with yourself, the elements, the directions and source/nature.
  • Transmissions for each direction, season and element that will allow self-inquiry as well as living the questions so that your life becomes the answer.

20% Off Earlybird*

Code: celticwheel

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Pricing options

*Earlybird Offer Ends 30th September. We offer to pay in full or payment plan to allow flexibility for your needs. We reserve limited spaces for those with extenuating circumstances, get in touch directly.