Come into Loving Presence & Harmony with Nature

Connect in your own Natural Time

This immersion will help you to develop an authentic relationship with and way of working with Cacao that is uniquely yours. With purity of heart, intention, and reciprocity she can bring beautiful healing, insights, and transformation into our lives and those that we hold space for.

What to expect:

A unique & comprehensive

Practitioner Level programme that builds a strong foundation for authentic facilitation

Develop a deep relationship with this plant teacher & connect with other plant allies

Connect to the Earth & why Mama Cacao is an important messenger at this time

Open up to your full capacity & potential for working with Cacao

Bringing the gifts of ancient medicine & ritual into the modern world

Dropping the layers of patterns, blocks, or ego that are in your way

The art of surrender & deep listening, letting go of the agenda and serving from the heart

Experienced Guidance & Space Holding with Tara

Best practices for setting up Cacao ceremonies & events (in-person & online)

Start your journey now

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to Cacao Alchemy Practitioner Training!

    • Our Sacred Agreement

    • What you will need

    • Recommended Ceremonial Cacao Suppliers

    • Recommended Reading List

  • 2

    BONUS Material

    • BONUS: Cacaocita Icaro

    • Cacao Spirit Connection Meditation

    • Cacao Ceremony Soundtracks/Journeys

    • Spotify Ceremony Playlists 2022

    • Spotify Ceremony Playlists (2021)

    • Cacao Origins

    • Plant Spirit Communication Q&A 5.4.22

  • 3

    Cacao Recipes & Ceremony Preparation

    • Cacao Elixir Preparations

    • Cacao Bliss Balls Recipe

    • Cacao Ceremony Preparation (In-Person)

    • Cacao Ceremony Preparation (Online)

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    Cacao Ceremonies 2023

    • Spotify Playlists 2023

  • 5

    Module 1: Earth & Body Wisdom

    • Module One Overview

    • Video Session: Earth, Body & the Elements

    • Elemental Body Meditation

    • Elemental Alchemy Breath & Movement

    • Earth & Body Wisdom Playlists

    • Module 1 Homework: What is your foundation?

    • Module 1 Additional Resources (Earth Wisdom & Mayan Astrology)

    • Recommended Reading List (optional)

  • 6

    Module 2: Universal Heart & Sacred Rose

    • Module 2 Overview

    • Module 2 Video Session

    • Universal Heart Meditation

    • Cacao Rose Meditation

    • Chakra Toning (Full 28min Practice)

    • Jonathan Goldman Chakra Toning

    • Chakra Toning 7 min tune up

    • Module 2: Additional Spotify Playlists

    • Module 2 Additional Resources

    • Module 2 Homework

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    Module 3: Pure Mind & Medicinal Mushrooms

    • Module 4 Overview

    • Module 4 Video Session

    • Pure Mind Meditation

    • Module 4: Spotify Playlists

    • Module 4 Additional Resources

    • Module 4 Homework

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    Module 4: Spirit & Shadow with Mugwort

    • Module 3 Overview

    • Integrating Shadow Meditation

    • Module 3 Video Session

    • Module 3: Spotify Playlists

    • Mugwort Shamanic Journey

    • The Magick of Mugwort

    • Module 3 Additional Resources

    • Module 3 Homework

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    Module 5: Art of Facilitation

    • Module 5 Overview

    • Module 5 Video Session

    • Core Light Meditation

    • Module 5 Spotify Playlists

    • Psychic Hygiene

    • Module 5 Additional Resources

    • Module 5 Homework


    • The Art

    • Your Feedback

Join Now

Pay in full or choose a payment plan as you wish. I reserve limited spaces for those experiencing financial difficulty or extenuating circumstances. Do not let that be a barrier, so do get in touch.